
The Power of Breath: Child’s Pose
This week we're introducing the Child's Pose, also known as Balasana in Sanskrit. This pose is a fundamental yoga pose that is commonly used as a resting pose in many yoga practices. It is a kneeling posture that involves sitting back on your heels with your arms stretched out in front of you and your forehead resting on the ground.

The Power of Breath: Downward Dog and Plank
As we continue on with sun salutation flow (Surya Namaskar) and focusing on the power of breath. I wanted to introduce to you the plank (Phalakasana, or, Kumbhakasana or Dandasana) and downward dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana) poses.

The Power of Breath: The Forward Fold
As we continue to focus on the power of breathing through movement, I want to introduce you to the forward fold pose, also known as Uttanasana in Sanskrit. The forward fold pose is powerful not only for giving the back an intense stretch. It may help lengthen the spine and loosen tight hamstrings, reducing digestive ailments such as constipation. This movement is also great for breathing because it allows for deep, diaphragmatic breathing.

The Power of Breath
This month we'll be exploring the power of breath in movement! Breathing is an important component of exercise that is often overlooked until you realize you've been holding your breath. Incorporating breathing techniques can greatly enhance your workout experience and overall good health.

Will You Pass The Test?
Mobility and cardio are both extremely important components of a well-rounded fitness routine. Mobility exercises help stabilize and build up your postural muscles (think of the smaller muscles around your spine and hip joint) and also improve your joints' range of motion and flexibility. Cardio exercises help strengthen your heart and lungs and improve your overall cardiovascular health, which includes increased stamina and endurance. It also lowers the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

Your Homework This Week
Last week we talked about building strength, agility, and a deeper range of mobility for the bigger muscle groups. This week let's test our smaller muscle groups, also known as postural and joint-supporting muscles. These muscles affect everything from stability, balance, and posture to everyday activities like bending down or lifting heavier objects.