You Lost An Hour of Sleep, Now What?

Hey y’all,

Yesterday was daylight savings time, now what? Moving the clock forward one hour doesn’t just affect your current routine but it can throw off your body’s internal clock too.

You can feel tired, groggy, and even irritable. Adjusting to the time change is different for everyone. For some people it can take a few days and for others it may take a bit more time. Below are some of my tips for dealing with the time change!

1. Stick to your schedule. This includes your bedtime too!

Bedtime routines aren’t just for kids. Be consistent with eating, social, bed and exercise times. Exposing yourself to the bright light in the morning will also help you adjust.

2. Don’t take long naps.

Who doesn’t like taking a nap? As tempting as it is, try your best not to do it! If you need to, keep them short and no longer than 20 minutes. A long daytime nap could make it harder for you to sleep at night. Avoiding naps is key for adjusting to the time change.

3. Consider relaxation techniques.

Relaxation methods ranging from deep breathing to mindfulness meditation can bring calm to your body and mind which will make it easier to smoothly transition into sleep. It also comes in handy if you find that you’ve woken up in the middle of the night.

4. Have a healthy diet.

Eating well is important for overall health, and proper nutrition is tied to sleep as well. Although no single diet has been proven to be the best for sleep, balanced diets with lots of fruits and vegetables tend to provide the nutrients the body needs and have been associated with better sleep.

Cheers, Tiana

Movement Snack

This week we’re going to focus on our hamstrings. Tight hamstrings don’t always mean you need to stretch; it could also mean you need strength training. Check out this week’s video HERE!

Tiana M Duncan

Black massage therapist in Seattle and founder of Indigo Movement


Spring Is Officially Here!


Spring is almost here!