Do This At Home To Boost Your Productivity + Happiness
Hey y’all,
I've made it a habit over the last few years to slow down during the month of January. For me, January symbolizes a time of reflection. I mean, we’re still in hibernation season a.k.a. winter, right? With some reflection, I've decided to focus on boosting my happiness and productivity. If you’re interested in learning about my daily exercise, keeping reading.
A recent survey conducted by found that about two-thirds of people check their email immediately upon waking up. (Yep, we've either all been there or still are!) And a study by college students at Kent State University found that people who check their phones tend to experience higher levels of anxiety which in turn made them unhappy and unproductive. But what if instead of checking our phones first thing in the morning, we did something else like come up with a game plan for what needed to be accomplished that day?
Check out these two reflection exercises great to start and end your day with.
The Morning Reflection Exercise
When you wake up, grab a pen and paper or ask yourself out loud, "What are two things I can do to make myself happy?" And please be realistic on what you can actually implement vs being Mother Theresa.
Then ask yourself, "What could prevent me from accomplishing those things and how can I overcome those potential roadblocks?" When you anticipate potential roadblocks or problems, you'll be able to resolve them quickly and move on, rather than allowing yourself to be disappointed as you try to figure out your next steps. Proactivity is one of the characteristics that separates high achievers from their less-successful colleagues.
The End Of The Day Reflection Exercise
Similar to the morning exercise, at the end of your day you’re going to reflect on what you learned.
Write about the two specific key lessons you learned. For example, “Whenever I felt myself getting distracted, I would set a timer every 45 minutes to give myself a break to feed my fun meter by working on a puzzle for 15 minutes.” A study from Harvard Business School concluded that at the end of a work day to reflect on that day’s work improved performance and greater fulfillment at work.
So, you’re probably wondering what makes me happy and productive? The answer is A LOT! I'm a woman of many layers! I like to enjoy my weekends for family time, solitude and straight shenanigans; and traveling to warmer destinations throughout winter, y'all know I love heat and sun!
Cheers, Tiana
Movement Snack
Last week we announced the launch of our weekly video series where each week we will educate you on massages that you can do on the go!
Have you felt tightness in your neck or jaw? Or maybe you’re experiencing tension headaches or TMJ? Try this jaw exercise at home HERE!