3 Moves for a Better Spine
Over the last few weeks, I've highlighted exercises such as the cobra, cat cow, and thoracic rotation to help you reduce stiffness, increase strength, and range of motion in the back. To continue to support your spine; abdominal exercises is just as important. One of my forms of fitness is pilates. Pilates focus on working on smaller postural muscles from the pelvic floor, the spine, and abs. This week I'm sharing 3 abdominal moves to better support your spinal health.
Single leg circle
Primary muscles: Abdominals (including rectus abdominals)
Sit forward on the mat with knees bent and pulled into chest. Wrap arms around legs and grab ankles.
Balance on tailbone and lift toes off mat. Tuck chin to chest (the tighter the tuck, the faster the roll and more control is needed).
Sink back and pull navel to spine. Roll back onto shoulders as hips roll into the air.
Exhale and roll back up to balanced position on tailbone. Keep heels lifted and glued together and do not let toes touch the mat.
Repeat 4-6 times.
Single-leg Stretch
Primary muscles: Abdominals
Sit balanced on tailbone with knees bent, arms wrapped around legs and hands holding knees. Toes are lifted off the mat. Abdominals are scooped.
Inhale and roll vertebrae down while pulling one knee in towards chest and straighten the other down towards the mat. Keep neck lifted and slightly tucked. Maintain abdominal scoop and control of core. Toes are pointed and back is flat.
Place inner hand to the ankle and outside hand to bent leg knee.
Complete 8-10 sets.
Tuck and Stretch Move
Primary muscles: Abdominals (including psoas)
Lie prone on mat with arms extended overhead.
Inhale, lift right arm and left leg while pulling navel to spine. Lift head and neck off floor looking down.
Switch arms and legs moving like swimming in water.
Complete 3-5 reps of 5 inhalations/exhalations.